Camden Center For Law and Social Justice
Camden Center for Law and Social Justice (CCLSJ), founded in 1985 by Fr. David Brooks, S.J., operates offices in Camden City, Bridgeton, and Atlantic City, serving more than 4,500 cases a year. CCLSJ specializes in two areas of law, immigration law, and family law. The agency handles all immigration cases for the Camden Diocese and is the designated pro bono legal service for family law in Camden County. CCLSJ is the leading provider of legal assistance to victims of domestic violence in all of South Jersey.
CCLSJ is affiliated with the Immigration Office of the Diocese of Camden, working to meet the needs of the large influx of Immigrants and migrant workers in South Jersey. CCLSJ is also developing collaborative and mutually-supportive relationships with other legal service agencies in the region, with the private bar, and with area law schools to advance systemic litigation and law reform efforts and to provide opportunities for joint initiatives.

How to Help
CCLSJ needs the help of volunteer attorneys, paralegals, linguists, computer specialists, fundraisers, and other people of goodwill. If you believe in our mission and wish to help, please call 856-966-8896
If you are unable to make a donation of time, please consider making a financial contribution to CCLSJ.